Silambarasan has given two back-to-back hits in the form of Vinnaithaandi Varuvaayaa and Vaanam. The success of the films has given him more responsibility to deliver his best in his next, as the audience will have huge expectations from his upcoming Tamil movie Osthi – The Cool Cop. So, the actor has now has hit the gym to tone his body for his character in the film.
Simbu has confirmed that he is working hard to chisel his physique. He claims that he has not been to gym after he entered the film industry. The actor is undergoing rigorous training with a specialist fitness instructor, who has planned him a tailor-made program to gain weight and give him a muscled look.
The actor plays the role of a tough and corrupted cop in Osthi, which is a remake of Bollywood blockbusterDabangg. Richa Gangopadhyay is pairing him in the Tamil version, which is directed by Dharani and has Thaman's music. Mohan Apparao and T Ramesh are jointly producing the film
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