Tapasee was introduced to Telugu film industry by Lakshmi Manchu with Jhummandi Naadam. Though, the movie failed to impress the audience, it earned her a rave reviews for her performance and fetched her a lot of movies. She also gave a few hits likeMr.Perfect in Telugu and Aadukalam in Tamil. But it seems like this has gone into her head, as she has reportedly snubbed Lakshmi.
Industry insiders say that Tapasee signed an exclusive four-film contract with Sri Lakshmi Prasanna Movies and featured in two flops Jhummandi Naadamand Vasthadu Naa Raju. Now, Lakshmi Manchu has started her next film with Manchu Vishnu in the lead and has approached the actress to pair up her brother in her home production film. But the Mr.Perfect actress has reportedly declined her offer, which has irked the producer.
Meanwhile, Lakshmi Manchu has seek the Film Chamber and the Movie Artistes Association's intervention to resolve the issue but as the actress is not a member of the association, it has refused to act against her.
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