Though Tamil cinemas ‘Ayan’ was a big hit for K.V. Anand, Tamil cinemas ‘Ko’s numbers are way ahead of the director’s previous Tamil cinemas Suriya starrer! With an effective ensemble of stars and crew, the director has struck gold with this film. The director and his entire team are riding high on the success of Tamil cinemas ‘Ko.’ There is word running around the tinsel town that heroes are looking forward to be directed by Anand!
It was already decided that K.V. Anand’s next post Tamil cinemas ‘Ko’ would be ‘Maatran’ with Suriya. But the rumors mills in Tamil are churning fast with a story suggesting that the director has made up his mind on whom he will direct after his film with Suriya. If sources are to be true then Udhayanidhi Stalin will be seen in a film directed by K.V. Anand. It seems Uday, who is currently working as hero in ‘Oru Kal Oru Kannadi (OKOK),’ commented to Anand that he would like to work with KV for his second film.
It looks like the director too has nodded his yes to Udhayanidhi because he has asked his friends, script writers Suba to come up with a script that would suit Udhayanidhi. So how did Udhayanidhi manage to bag this offer, people might think. It is because of the camaraderie the two share. Remember it was Tamil cinemas Red Giant Pictures that brought ‘Ko’ to the theatres.
Udhayanidhi is currently shooting for his debut film in Tamil where he will be seen as hero acting opposite Hansika Motwani. ‘OKOK’ is directed by M. Rajesh.
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